Guide Staff
Beyond Malibu Sea Kayaking and Mountain Guide staff positions are a two year commitment to the front lines of our ministry. Guides are trained in both ministry and technical skills in order to provide a safe, intentional and adventurous week-long wilderness experience designed specifically to meet the goals of each group. Guides are the primary facilitators of the spiritual content each week and work in partnership with group leaders to develop and execute the spiritual experience of each trip. Because of the vast responsibilities of this position, we are looking for people 20 years or older who are emotionally mature, have well developed leadership skills and at least two years of ministry experience. No mountaineering or sea kayaking experience is required but being comfortable in the wilderness setting is a plus. We provide all of the technical training you will need. Being strongly rooted in Christ is a foundational requirement. The work is hard but the joys of serving others, building relationships and seeing God move are well worth it!!
Please read our Guide Intern Job Description.
Mountain Guides
Live and work at our base camp in the Princess Louisa Inlet, leading 3-5 trips each summer for two summers. Weeks in base camp will be spent fully engaged in base camp community, as well as processing past trips and working with a guide partner to prepare intentional weeks designed to facilitate encounters with Christ in the wilderness for upcoming trips. This includes dedicated time for Bible study and space to tailor the content for the needs of each group.
Full participation in the base camp community at large is expected, including working and developing relationships with base camp staff, guide staff and leadership. Expect to serve while helping with whatever is needed, both at Base Camp and on the mountain.
You are expected to attend three training weekends in April and May in the Pacific Northwest and attend a subsidized NOLS Wilderness Medicine course the first part of June your first year.
Sea Kayaking Guides
Live and work at Malibu Landing in Egmont, BC, leading trips each summer for two summers. The weeks in Egmont will be spent working with a guide partner to plan intentional weeks designed to facilitate encounters with Christ in the wilderness, including dedicated time for Bible study and space to tailor the content for the needs of each group.
Additionally, sea kayak guides have the privilege of greeting every trip coming into and out of the inlet, facilitating their transition into the wilderness.
You are expected to attend two training weekends in April and May in the Pacific Northwest and attend a subsidized NOLS Hybrid Wilderness First Responder course the first part of June your first year.
Join Guide Staff
Basic Requirements
- 21 years old by start of summer.
- 2 years of ministry experience (post high school) — does not have to be Young Life experience.
- Make a 2 summer commitment, including 3 spring training dates and completing required homework.
- Understand that this is a volunteer position.
- Understand that guiding requires a moderate level of fitness and there will be physical training required to prepare for each summer.
2025 Hiring Process
- 2025 Guide Applications and References are open!! We are accepting applications until all positions are filled. Email us if you are interested.
- We will start interviewing mid-September.
- All hiring decisions are made on a rolling basis.
- Training begins in the early spring — See "Required Training Dates Below"
Required Training Dates
2025 Staff Dates:
The guide application process has begun!!
If you are interested in guiding, please contact us and we will connect, answer any questions and send you the application.
2025 Training Dates
Returning Guides Reunion & Training:
April 9-10 - Washington Family Ranch (WFR), OR
Guide Staff Training:
Beyond Foundations/Ministry & Leadership/Nav 1.0:
April 10-13 - Washington Family Ranch WFR), OR
Rock & Rappel/Kayak/All Staff/Nav 2.0:
May 15-18 - Anacortes/Mt. Erie, WA
Snow & Ice/Nav 3.0:
May 22-25 - Lynden/Mt. Baker, WA
2025 Summer Dates
Opening Base Camp Crew: May 30
NOLS WAFA Training: May 31 - June 4
Guides & Remaining Staff to Beyond: June 5
10-Day Mountain Training: June 6 - 15
10-Day Sea Kayak Training: June 13-22
All Staff Depart: August 19
Ready to apply? Email us for an application!
Base Camp Staff
Do you have a heart to live in a beautiful community and serve for a summer facilitating encounters with God from behind the scenes? Base Camp Staff Interns volunteer in a variety of areas in base camp alongside the full time staff and guides. Your time on staff will be spent facilitating and participating in spiritual practices, and building community through fun and service. Come join us! Spend a summer pouring out in service and receive the blessings of growth in Jesus Christ.
Base Camp Positions:
Head Cook. Camper Cook. Maintenance. Food Packer. Equipment. Office. Nanny. Prep Cook.
Basic Requirements
- 18 years old by start of summer.
- Make a 1 summer commitment, including 1 spring training date: May 16-18th, 2025.
- Understand that this is a volunteer position.
2025 Session Dates: June 5 - Aug 19
2025 Hiring Process
- 2025 Base Camp Applications and References are open so apply now!
- We start interviewing shortly after applications are received.
- All hirings are made by February 1st.
- Email us for an application!
Serve From Home
If you've been up the inlet, you have felt the splash of rain on your face, and you've seen the sunsets; when you hear the sound of a tent zipper or smell the salt water the memories come flooding back. Well, even though that was a few years back and the thought of picking up a paddle or strapping a pack on your back may not seem quite as enticing now, you still can be integrally involved in this ministry!
Look and pray through these ways that you can get involved and when you find something you'd like to help out with, contact the Beyond office to let us know. If you don't see anything that resonates with you, talk with us anyway to figure out your own unique way of helping out. We realize that helping out with selection committee and training are very natural areas for people to want to be involved with, but we have more need in other areas at this time. So we encourage you to think outside the box and figure out how God has uniquely gifted you and how you can use those gifts to support Beyond.
How Much Time Do You Have To Give?
10 Minutes
It might not seem like much, but you'd be surprised how much good can come out of just 10 minutes of your time. So pour yourself a warm beverage of your choice and take a look at the list below and see if you can knock off a few in the time it takes for you to get to the bottom of your cup!
- Pray for next summer, the trips planning to go up, the participants preparing for a week in the wilderness, the guides preparing to lead people into creation, the logistic details behind the scenes and for whatever else God puts on your heart.
- Write a letter to a staff member if you know one person specifically or as a general encouragement to be read over the community breakfast table. If camp isn't in session, write a letter to the Beyond office encouraging them in their work.
- Browse through your personal photos from old Beyond trips and send the best 3 to the Beyond office to be used to get other people excited about trips (warning: this tends to suck people well past the 10-minute commitment of this category ... be prepared for a trip down memory lane).
- Sit back and think about someone you know who you think would get a lot out of a Beyond trip. Call them up and tell them you were thinking about them and encourage them to check out what it would look like to go on a trip.
- Think about anyone you know who might be interested about serving a summer on Beyond staff. Call them and encourage them to talk with the Beyond office to get some information.
- Brainstorm how you might be interested in helping out more with Beyond Malibu. You have your own set of giftings, all you have to do is figure out how to let God use them!
5 Hours
Five hours is a bit more of a chunk out of an afternoon, but let's be honest, so does fighting traffic all the way to the shopping mall and then losing all your money to stores that really want it. So next time skip all that stress and enjoy a fulfilling afternoon serving a program that has given so much to you already.
- Sit down in your own favorite reading spot and write out a reflective entry of your own Beyond Experience. We are always looking for stories to feature on our blog and newsletter that share about how God is able to use Beyond in a real and tangible way in our lives.
- Take a trip down memory lane and look through all of your old Beyond pictures. Pick a few of the best ones and send them to us. Who knows ... you might see your own face on our website someday.
- Take a friend out to coffee and reminisces about your Beyond experiences with them. If the shoe fits maybe start planning your next trip or encourage them to make plan another on their own! Maybe even get them to think about applying to serve on Beyond staff for a summer! And finally...
- Call up the Beyond office and talk with somebody about your own idea of how you can help out Beyond!
2.5 Days
Okay now you're starting to reach legenadary status for being willing to sacrifice a weekend in a way that you will rememeber for years to come instead of just going about your daily routene and forgeting all about it. Check out these ideas of how to Carpe el Weekend:
- Volunteer to help run transportation, cook food, and facilitate our pre-season staff trainings. Contact the Beyond office if you're interested in helping in this way.
- Provide transportation between Washington and Egmont, BC, for staff who are without vehicles before and after the summer season.
- Get together with a group of friends and plan out a Beyond Trip. Go through the paperwork, make the travel plans and start getting momentum for another week to be remembered!
- If you have a unique set of construction skills talk with the Beyond office to see if they could use you on any spring work trips up to basecamp that happen before the summer begins.
- If you have the gift of sales maybe a weekend road trip to a near by Young Life conference is just the ticket. We are often in need of people to setup and run a promotional booth for a day at these conferences. They are a blast and invariably you get to hear tons of stories about how Beyond has already done work in people's lives ... and hopefully you'll plant the seed that will get people moving toward their own stories at beyond. And finally...
- Whatever that idea was that you had and talked to the Beyond office about ... start doing it. Make it happen and enjoy helping Beyond grow in a new and unique way!
1 Year
You've done it. You're ready to make a plunge into the deep end. A year goes by quick and you'll be surprised just how much can get done with a little bit of work each day. Even 5-10 minutes a day can add up to a week and a half of full time work for Beyond, just think about how much you could do for the ministry with that little bit! Whether you are interested in a full summer of service or heading up a promotional committee, we're excited to talk with you about what the future could be like!