Give to Beyond Malibu
Young Life's Beyond Malibu is a non-profit organization supported through the generosity of individuals, churches, foundations and businesses that care about kids and support our mission.
Currently everything participants pay in trip fees only covers about 80% of what it takes to keep Beyond going. So both one time and continuous donations from people like you are ESSENTIAL to keeping Beyond going. Donated funds are used to keep camp fees accessible as well as for improvements to base camp and our sea kayaking facility.
There Are Two Ways to Give:
Giving Online
Through Young Life’s U.S. giving website, you can give to Beyond Malibu via bank transfer or credit/debit card. A transaction fee of 2.5% exists for a credit card donation. This fee is deducted from your donation. A bank transfer will ensure that all your donor dollars go to supporting the Beyond Malibu ministry.
Please use the following to set up a one time or monthly recurring gift (U.S. and Canadian specifications for tax receipt purposes):
Giving by Mail
U.S. Checks can be made out to "Beyond Malibu" and mailed to the following address:
Beyond Malibu
1 Muddy Road
Antelope, OR 97001
Please no Canadian donations by check. If giving a Canadian donation, please use the Canadian Donations giving button. Thank you!
Fundraising Opportunities
- Campership Fund: Not everyone can afford the camp fee to go on a Beyond Trip, our goal at Beyond is to never let that be the sole reason someone can't go on a trip.
- Basecamp Trip Campsite Structures ($25,000 per campsite): Six campsite structures have been constructed so far that have blessed hundreds of participants and staff members already. The hope is to build one more structure (financially impossible without the help of volunteer service groups that come up each year).
- Low Elements Challenge Course ($5,000): Every trip starts out with team building activities to prepare for the wilderness adventure. Low elements challenge courses provide incredible opportunities to do this in a fun and memorable way while providing valuable learning opportunities.
- FILL IN THE BLANK: Got an idea of something that would benefit the ministry? Contact the office with your thoughts so we can get things moving!